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‘Let’s Bang’ soars into your ears as delicately as a sort of divine swansong, underpinned by a club-infused assortment of synthesiser oscillations and electronic beats.

It starts outstandingly, capturing the listener with a taster of electronic ambience with some very danceable beats to accompany it, before fading away into obscurity prematurely, before breezing its way back in like a heavenly airstream, launching into a gorgeous guitar riff, reminiscent of a cross between The XX and Nirvana harmonising with the electronica of Aphex Twin. The mash-up of genres, that restless mix of swansong vocals with an interesting guitar, analog synthesisers, and great beats make for a truly excellent song, and a very interesting one at that. However, although you could compare Hockeysmith to some other sounding artists such as the aforementioned – the real fact is that they have a distinctive sound all of their own.

Let’s Bang is six minutes and thirty-six seconds of pure euphoria, a real combination of genres and musical techniques executed perfectly, it’s got a bit of everything: electronica, “indie”, industrial, micro-house. Undoubtedly, this one of the best tracks of 2013 so far.

Words by Scott Houghton

Tipped by Not Many Experts

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