Lily Oakes has seemingly found herself hovering under the new music radar, though one feels that this won’t be the case for too long given the strength of her debut effort ‘Sometimes’. Ethereal and bound with classical influences, Oakes describes her music best in this autobiographical snippet, ‘I’ve honed my sound since 14 where vocals and production are of equal value. The isolating of raw materiality of sound and classical composition is used to eliminate context and create a remainder of silence to re-enforce feeling. A less is more technique that gives precedence to the more emotive elements.’ this summary Oakes has vividly explained the aching tension that exists within ‘Sometimes’, as the ‘less is more technique’ pulls the listener further into the track and positions you to absorb the full emotional angst. A strong first effort, and we await for further music with bated breath.
Words by Ben Blackburn
Tipped by Suzi Ireland from Bearded Magamazine and Pink Mist
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