Speak with any resident of the Fine City of Norwich and more than likely they will point out there is more to it than Alan Partridge; or Mustard; or Delia. They would talk about its historical importance, the lanes, the (many) pubs and possibly, at a stretch, they may even try to claim Ed Sheeran. One thing they would undoubtedly accept that Norwich is not famous for, is neo-soul singers of the finest order. That may be about to change with the emergence of Mullally.
It’s still early days for the teenager with the sweet, honey-dripped vocal that Adam Levine wishes he’d been born with and his reputation is growing. He’s already had some success with the excellent ‘Overdose’ and now his latest single ‘Troubled Love‘ is set to win him an army of new fans.
It’s soulful and emotional, infectious and danceable. The beats are so crisp that Gary Lineker wants to advertise them and the seductive synth lines melt alongside the vocals. Mixing sounds and genres with supreme confidence, the track (which is about the longing for an experience of love that is extraordinary) is almost like a relationship in aural form.
We have the slow, sensual synthy opening of a courtship before the track begins to bounce, mirroring the ups and downs of life. Then the steel drums kick in and a caribbean-honeymoon reggae vibe is here to enjoy. It’s a bright, poolside ending to a superbly crafted, chart friendly but intelligent piece of soulful-pop.
Note the name, give a it a few years and Mullally might be challenging Alan Partridge for the status of Norwich’s most famous export.
Words and Tip by the great Adam from Alphabet Bands
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