There are few bands that actually regenerate, or truly reinvent themselves into a developed entity that both captures their original essence and demonstrates a level of unbounded creative thinking and humility. Most are really just redesigns or a thinly veiled repackaging, even if such actions are conducted with the best of intentions. However in the case of Liverpudlian outfit Ninetails, their transformation has been staggering.
Admittedly I’ve had the benefit of watching Ninetails prior to their promising ventures in early 2014 unfold, having originally seen them when they were still a four piece and playing emboldened math rock. They were praised, and rightfully so, back then for their intricate guitar lines and engaging live show, however the complexity of their music nearly always felt like it was appreciated by fellow musicians far more than the general audience member. This in itself is not a criticism, however in their new material, ‘Radiant Hex’, the move to spaced out percussion, a broader range of instrumentation and a further exploration of sonic effects has created a sound that will no doubt be universally appreciated.
With such a dramatic change in sound, it is an impressive feet that Ninetails have been able to manifest the essence of their earlier sound into a totally new entity. Their new EP ‘Quiet Confidence’ is due out in the near future, and I’m looking forward to having my eyes opened to the entirety of Ninetails’ reinvention.
Words by Ben Blackburn
Tipped by Chris Bye, Andy Von Pip and Linn Branson
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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