Of all the new electronic bands currently gaining momentum in London, few deserve your attention more than Our Mother. The freshness of their sound lands the quartet loosely in the bedroom producer category, but with a shining immediacy that somehow renders it pop music. If that sounds like a tricky balance to get right, you should put aside 3 minutes and 47 seconds and listen to ‘Surprise Machine‘.
Released ahead of their highly anticipated debut EP ‘A.O.B‘ (out in April on Lucky Number records), ‘Surprise Machine’ is a sublime introduction to the unmistakable Our Mother sound. The production is warm, crisp and close. The beats support without dominating. John Hartley’s contagious vocal hooks occupy the foreground without distracting from the subtle textures built up in the periphery. This track is brimming with fascinating idiosyncrasies, combining the shadowy esotericism of Darkstar with the melodic ingenuity of Everything Everything.
Our Mother are an intensely addictive musical supercollider, and you’re going to love them. Watch their stunning new video here.
Words by Calum Howard from Grey Tapes
Tip by Lewis Lister