In a post-truth world it’s hard to know what to believe, so maybe it shouldn’t be a huge shock to discover that Paris Youth Foundation aren’t actually from the city of Piaf and Hugo (they’re actually from the city of The Beatles and Stevie G) and can anyone vouch that they’re really youths? They may not even have formalised foundation status! Shocking.
Alternative facts aside, ‘Losing Your Love‘ follows up last year’s ‘If You Wanna‘, which had seen them fast-tracked to the BBC Introducing Stage at Reading and Leeds. This, their second track, sounds a little bit like what might happen if Two Door Cinema Club wrote a third of a song, spent an hour in a sweet shop, wrote another third, had a nap, and then wrote the final third on the sugar comedown. It’s energetic, fizzing and jumping and popping around, and there’s some lovely radiant guitar going on.
It’s a lot of fun, and with radio backing and good-sized shows already in the bag the future looks promising for the maybe-young not-Parisians.
Words by Tom Worley
Tipped by Charlotte Holroyd
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