Something which we never tire of hearing is brand new indie with the drive and power of a sports car engine behind it.
A lot of guitar music over the last few years has been dreamy hazy sounds, and we’re long overdue a new Strokes record so it’s always exciting to hear a confident young indie band who love to batter out a riff or two.
London’s Saltwater Sun have given us one of 2015’s best indie tunes so far with their latest track ‘Habit On My Mind’.
However this doesn’t sound like a Strokes cover band in the slightest, the band really offer something new. In fact they’re more in line with the multi-layered sounds of TV on the Radio.
There’s a real find in Jennifer Stearne’s vocals too. It’s reminiscent of the brilliant Emily Haines as her voice pitch perfectly dances around the guitar lines, especially in the emphatic indie pop chorus.
The band have already become Hype Machine favourites since this release and we’re sure they’ve got plenty more in store for us.
Mark Saltwater Sun as ones to watch, we might well have the next important UK guitar band on our hands here.
Words by Ian Hastie
Tipped by Jonny Gray from Generator
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