As the old adage goes, slow and steady wins the race. That’s almost the mantra that Stevie Parker could have gone by while developing her musical career. Growing up in Frome, Somerset, as a child she wrote songs for fun and recorded them with her father, who is also a musician. Eventually, in her teens, she began playing on piano or guitar for other bands and artists, but it’s taken until now, at 24, to finally release her debut solo single ‘The Cure’.
To drag out another old saying though, good things come to those who wait. Similarly, ‘The Cure’ is a track that’s not in any hurry to get going, slowly building on its foundation of stuttering hushed synths across the course of a couple of minutes before erupting with clashing cymbals and throbbing bass.
The sparse electro-pop is comparable to London Grammar or The Japanese House, but the real revelation here is Stevie herself. While her voice at first seems hushed, almost shy, it soon reveals itself to be a truly powerful, emotive force. This slice of thoughtful pop gold really is the cure for what ails you.
Words by Eugenie Johnson
Tipped by Tiffany Daniels from Drunken Werewolf
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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