Hailing from Falmouth, Cornwell, The White Bicycles arrive at Tipping Point towers having remained thoroughly under the radar. With seemingly relatively little coverage and radio airtime, The White Bicycles have documented a period of recording and rehearsals that indicate the release of their debut self titled EP on the 5th May should be an eagerly awaited event.
The debut single from the EP, entitled ‘Dust’, is an intimate insight into what the band themselves describe as a ‘dream-pop’ sound. Remaining minimal throughout, the track begins with a clear solo vocal line and the light strums of acoustic guitar, before emerging into an infectious beat and choral vocals that add a strong body to the track without reclaiming too much of the clever empty space.
It is very early days for The White Bicycles, but you’d do well to keep your eye on them for the remainder of this year and, hopefully, beyond.
Words by Ben Blackburn
Tipped by Adam from Alphabet Bands
Photo by Tom Bangham
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