Hailing from Glasgow, Tongues. are a band who create bubbly and intriguing pop songs with a raw, gritty electronic base. Their E.P. is set for release this month and so far two songs have been released, the first, ‘Religion’, has managed to rack up over 100,000 plays on Soundcloud and the second track, ‘You Never Knew Me’, should be set to follow well in its footsteps.
‘You Never Knew Me’ features bobbling, arpeggiated synth and disjointed drums, which shift about throughout most of the song, never really settling on any one path, instead they wriggle and fidget with different sounds. The instrumental side of the song is fun, but it is the vocals that are most intriguing, adding an extremely interesting layer to the song. At times they sound like Anthony and the Johnsons, especially near the back end of the song, at other times sounding almost like late 90s Cher, it’s this wide variation and change that makes the song a very intriguing listening experience.
A song that fans of Hot Chip should get on with, ‘You Never Knew Me’ feels perfect for the end of the summer as autumn approaches and we all move our parties back inside. It’s a summery song at heart and in theory, but there is a darker and more brooding feel below all of the fun, a feeling that sneaks out from below throughout the song.
Words by Rich Anderson
Tipped by Halina Rifai from Glasgow Podcart & Neil Wilson from Scottish Fiction
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