The gates to Glastonbury Festival 2015 may have only recently opened , but excitement has inevitably been building since the first act was confirmed in November 2014.
That act was Twin Hidden, a London duo whose sound keenly mirrors the eagerness of that announcement. Taken from their debut EP, Make / Shift, ‘A Berry Bursts’ is literally bursting to the seams with layers of skittish percussion, jagged acoustic guitar, military drums and electronic flashes. Held together by its sleek production, the track’s an exhilarating romp into intricate indie pop. real highlight is Shribman’s falsetto vocals, with which he enunciates every last word and syllable to crisp perfection. Giving the lyrics the room to be heard, they uncover a raft of emotional torment and with it a whole new dimension to the track.
There’s more to Twin Hidden than first meets the eye, and there’s certainly of a lot more to come too.
Words by Chris Haywood
Tipped by Charlotte Holroyd from Bitter Sweet Symphonies
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